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Musings 1-25
025. Fasting is Feasting
024. Poverty or Misery
023. Your Price Tag!
022. Multiplication – A Mystery to be Lived!
021. Discipleship of Jesus, a Call to Contemplate and to Act
020. You are not Dead when you die!
019. Possibilitarianism
018. Ever Oscillating Equilibrium
017. Simplicity is about stripping Life to its Essentials
016. Mystic or Mad!
015. Ask, Seek, Knock
014. Hidden Mystery of our Real Life!
013. Mystery of Suffering
012. Appointment with God!
011. The Cross, the Way to the ‘Beyond’
010. Disciple, without the Cross?
009. Above the Admirer and the Devotee
008. My God! It’s me in the Mirror!
007. Enemy’s Downfall!
006. Dropping all the coins!
005. A World of Calculations and Measurements!
004. A Sticker that Solves My Problem!
003. Cross – the Burden of Love!
002. Our Comfort Zones!
001. A Mere Sticker!