A World of Calculations and Measurements!

Fr. Francis Scaria

Smiley face We live in a business world. One of the key features of our world is ‘calculating mentality’. We tend to calculate the profit margin. Even the parents who look after their own children sometimes think about the profit margin. ‘If I look after this child, in my old age he will prove useful’! When we deal with people we are ready to invest our time, talent and resources in enterprises that bring profits. We expect something better in return.

In the kingdom of God people experience the ‘immeasurable’ graces of God and we meet the unconditional God who invites everyone saying, “every one who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” (Is 55:1). Isaiah prophesied a redemption ‘without money’ (cf. Is 52:3).

In Matthew 20, Jesus enlightens us with the parable of the labourers in the vineyard and tell us not to ‘begrudge’ the generosity of the Lord (cf. Mt 20:15) who pays all the labourers a denarius each. This is but one aspect of the proactive love of God which sees our need. Our blessings are not payments for the favours God has received from us, but they are gratuitous gifts from Him.

MUSINGS : 1-25, 26-50, 51-75

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