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Most Holy Trinity

Fr. Antony Akkanath

Today, we celebrate one of the important feasts of our faith: the Feast of the Holy Trinity. "The faith of all Christians rests on the Trinity," says Caesarius of Arles. Recently I saw a video of Pope Francis speaking to a group of children receiving the First Holy Communion sharing with them a simple, yet profound and effective catechesis on Trinity. This simple catechesis of the Pope helps us to open our hearts to the vision of a sincere and renewed faith if we let a little 'space for the Spirit, who dwells in us'. Pope asked the Children "Who knows who is God?". One girl answered, “the Creator”. “And how many God or gods are there? One! But I have heard that there are three: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! How do you explain that there is only one? They are three in one, three persons in one. And what the Father does? The Father is the beginning, the Father created everything, He created us. What the Son does? What Jesus does? ... Jesus is there to teach us the Word of God ... He saved us! And Jesus came to give His life for us. The Father creates the world; Jesus saves us. And what the Holy Spirit is doing? He loves us! ... And this is the Christian life: talk to the Father, the Son and talk to the Holy Spirit. Jesus saved us, but also walks with us in life .... First of all, He helps us, guides us and teaches us to move forward. And Jesus also gives us the strength to walk. He supports us! In every difficulty, is it not? ... But how does Jesus give us strength? He gives us strength in Communion, helps us by his power. He comes to us in the form of a bread! But it is not just bread. It is 'the Body of Jesus’. Jesus comes to our hearts. Here, think of this, the Father has given us life; Jesus has given us salvation, accompanies us, guides us, sustains us, teaches us; and the Holy Spirit gives us the love (and sanctifies us)".

If we let these words of Pope Francis speak to our hearts, we will find his simple reflection becoming answer to many of our difficulties and anxieties. We live in a world of ignorance and confusion. At times we live as if we are orphans whom no one cares; at other times we live as people with certain masks –living without a face in the crowd. Sometimes we live by a mistaken sense of self-sufficiency; we often reject the joy offered by our God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit and live in our own self-made hell.

In today's Gospel we have just heard, Jesus' invitation to his disciples and each of us: "Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the world". These are the last words of Jesus that he addressed to the disciples to mark the end of his earthly life and, at the same time, the beginning of the life of the Church. Jesus is present among us in many ways: He is in the Eucharist, He lives amidst us through his Words, He lives through his ministers (bishops, priests and religious), the poor and the little ones, in the marginalized, in our neighbours in need. There is also a particular presence of Jesus, that he himself promised, that we read in the Gospel of Matthew, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them" (Mt 18:20). Through this presence he wants to be with us everywhere. Every time we pray we invoke his presence in the Trinity.

Each time we pray or we are in the presence of God, whenever we begin a celebration, we always begin with the sign of the cross by invoking the Holy name of the Trinity. The Sign of the Cross says that our lives as Christians is immersed in love of God who is Father, Son, Holy Spirit. When we make the sign of the cross in the morning or during the day to enter into communion with God, we put our lives in his hands. When we start our day with the sign of the cross it means that we not only put our lives in God's hands, but we are also ready to live as His children, and we want to be people who are made in the image of God especially in love, generosity, forgiveness, joy and in confidence.

There are moments when someone does not know what to say or how to pray to God ... in those moments a simple sign of the Cross is the right gesture and words and it becomes like a beautiful prayer. If we live as Jesus commanded, especially his commandment of love, we can experience his presence even outside of the churches, in the midst of people, in places where they live, and anywhere. What is asked of us is mutual love, selfless service, and understanding, participation in the sorrows, the anxieties and joys of our brothers; that love which covers everything, which forgives everything, is the typical mark of Christianity. If we Christians live well, everyone will have the opportunity to meet Jesus here on earth.

Wish you all a very Happy Feast of the Holy Trinity.

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